HP’s premium laptop series, the HP Envy has redesigned to offer several new features. The HP Envy 15 and Envy 17 laptops now equipped with Beats Audio, HP wireless audio and a proximity sensor which will activated backlight on its keyboard. On the inside part, both Envys packs the latest processors from Intel or AMD while outside, they now comes in a sleek all-metal chassis. Both also has Radiance widescreen display, While the 15.6-inch Envy 15 sport IPS display, the 17.3-inch display on Envy 17 is a TN panel.
HP Envy 15 sporting a Core i5-2430M processor, 6GB of RAM, a 500GB HDD spinning at 7200 rpm and an AMD Radeon HD GPU to manage its graphics. Its 15.6-inch IPS display has 1366 x 768 pixelsresolution. Beside a slot-loading DVD burner, Envy 15 also featuring Intel Wireless Display, Bluetooth, HDMI out, DisplayPort, two USB 3.0 ports, one USB 2.0 port and an 8-cell battery which ready to give up to 9 hours runtime.